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Mental Skills Coaching
The 'GYM' Program
12-week personalised mental training program for athletes wanting to develop their mental skills.
Injury Programs
Personalised on-going mental skills training for athletes with long-term or chronic injuries.
Casual Appointment
Appointments for athletes who have finished a program or want to attend on a casual basis.
Free Resources
Resource | Description |
Eating Healthy | A poster encouraging a healthy relationship with food. |
General Progress Planner | A printout of a general sports program progress tracker. |
Tumbling Progress Planner | A printout of a tumbling program progress tracker. |
Identify Your Mindset | A worksheet to help identify your mindset. |
Fitness Program | An infographic of exercise ideas. |
Performance Testing | A printout performance testing template. |
Mental Skills Training | A poster explaining the importance of mental skills. |
Mindset of a Champion | Mental traits of a sport champion. |
The Psychology of Injury | A poster explaining the psychology behind injuries. |
Post-Performance Plan | An outline of a post-performance routine. |
Pre-Performance Plan | An outline of a pre-performance plan. |
Anxiety Regulation | A poster explaining stress & anxiety. |
Mental Imagery | A poster explaining mental imagery. |
Self-Talk | A poster explaining positive & negative self-talk. |
Lost Skill Syndrome | A poster explaining lost skill syndrome. |
Concentration | A poster explaining concentration. |
Self-Confidence | A poster explaining confidence. |
Coach Burnout | A poster explaining coach burnout. |
Athlete Burnout | A poster explaining athlete burnout. |
Growth Mindset | A poster explaining growth vs fixed mindset. |
Healthy Athletes | A poster of characteristics of a healthy athlete. |
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